Clases en Español, Inglés,
Italiano y LSA
Classes in Spanish, English,
Italian and Sign Language
Yoga Chris Lavalle´s Technique
Class Schedule 2011
Yoga for the disabled
Yoga for babies
Yoga for weight loss
Prenatal Yoga

C  h  r  i  s     L  a   V  a  l  l  e

Art therapy
Creative Laughing Meditation
Body improvisation
Reiki / Healing sessions
Certification Programs Under Chris La Valle´s Technique Workshops 2011 - Training courses

(from Argentina)
Tel: ( 5411) 4962 0957
Cel phone: 15 56039724
(from abroad ) 54 9 11 56039724
Larrea y Córdona
Barrio Norte - Recoleta
Buenos Aires - Argentina



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